Page 9 - Moran Financial
P. 9

The Infinite Banking Concept

               The Infinite Banking Concept is not a loophole or oversight, and
              These people have experienced a permanent mental shift in the
               its unique components set it apart from any other wealth creation
              way they think about their own personal finances that puts more  is one of the first principles we teach: Think from a wealth
               vehicle you can find.
              permanent dollars into their pockets.dset.  In order to do this, we must first examine our thoughts
              and beliefs about money.

                 Are we living our lives with abundance

               people, doctors and day care workers are joining the growing on
               mentality, or are our actions centred
               That’s why wealthy people, politicians, business owners, trades

               number of Canadians using the Infinite Banking Concept.

              For instance, if we believe there is more than enough, we will find

              ways to save, to give back, and invest in ourselves.

              However, if we believe we will “never have enough”, we may paint
              a mental picture of ourselves with no money to spare, and literally
              bring it into reality by compulsively spending every penny we


              What you practice mentally grows stronger.

              When you take us up on our Infinite Banking Strategy Session,

              we’ll teach you the importance of owning this wealth/abundance
              mindset above everything else.

              You’re probably thinking: “But if it’s so good, how come I’ve never
              heard of it until now?” You probably have, but I’ll cover that in a


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