Page 14 - Moran Financial
P. 14

A Properly Designed Infinite Banking Plan

               More likely than not however, your financial advisor will, from my

               experience, completely misunderstand the concept itself, make
               erroneous assumptions, and lead you down the road of doing

               what everyone else is doing –like exposing your money to

               more risk in the stock market, or investing in

               private equity – because that’s all they know!

               Most of us are conditioned early in life, by “advisors”, friends or

               the media, on how to invest, and end up paying too many fees,
               experiencing huge losses, and worst of all, running out of time
               to start all over again. The emotional toll it takes can cause health

               and family challenges that can last a lifetime.

               I’ve seen it firsthand. Been guilty of it. I will never go down that
               road again, and you don’t have to!

               My own personal risk tolerance is next to ZERO.  After
               learning the hard way I have little tolerance for losing

               money, mine or my clients’.

               I’ve witnessed and felt the trauma, the anxiety and the

               brokenness some of these ‘too good to be true’ high risk
               investments end up like. Nightmarish, entangled messes!

               The risk-based methods of planning your financial “security”
               are everywhere, and are snowballing at alarming rates! Risk

               does not equal reward. In my experience, risk equals loss.                                        15
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