Page 11 - Moran Financial
P. 11

The Infinite Banking Concept

      Using a Dividend Paying Life Insurance Company

             When you have an Infinite Banking Plan, which is only available inside

             a Dividend Paying Life Insurance Company, you can use your
             money for multiple purposes to make purchases while still
             having it grow and collect dividends on the original amount.

             Equally important: its growth is tax exempt.

             The end result is that you will have more money than if you withdrew
             the money, thus killing its growth, and having to start from scratch

             again – which is what most people do.

             While the typical family needs life insurance, Nelson writes, “Your
             need for finance, during your lifetime, exceeds your need for life
             insurance protection.”

             With traditional financing, money flows away from you supporting

             someone else’s income and retirement. Using the Infinite Banking
             Concept, changes the direction the money is flowing.

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