Page 5 - Moran Financial
P. 5

The Infinite Banking Concept

               Before I tell you exactly how it works, you should know that banks

               are not keen on you knowing about it.

               And why not? With Infinite Banking Plans your money is safe. It
               averages higher more stable returns than a high interest savings
               account. It’s growth is exempt from taxes, and your money is

               accessible to use any time to make purchases without
               interrupting its growth!

               Case in point. Shortly after starting their plan, a couple took a loan
               from their accumulating wealth pool and used it to buy a car.

               After four years they paid off the loan and their existing pool of
               cash significantly outgrew the loan costs, since the full value of

               their plan kept growing as though they hadn't touched a loonie of
               it. Having constant uninterrupted growth on 100% of your cash,
               even while you use it, is one of the hallmarks of an Infinite

               Banking plan.

               But let’s think about the banks for a second. Would the banks
               rather you owe them money or grow your money? In other words
               would they rather you pay them or they pay you? I think you

               would agree they would rather you owe them money and a lot of
               it, because that’s their business.

               They are in the business of lending money – many times more
               than they have on deposit.  If truth be known, they would rather

               you never get out of the debt cycle. They prefer you keep racking
               up debt like a shopper on steroids – taking out more loans – than

               becoming debt-free and getting out of bondage!

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